Michal: “When I founded Be-Atzmi in 1995, it stemmed from a belief that every person deserves the right to succeed in life.

Quite often, personal or external life circumstances can weaken people emotionally and cause them to stop believing in themselves. From there, it doesn’t take long for their personal, professional and social abilities to be compromised. We can and must give women and men the opportunity to connect with their strengths, abilities and fortes and, from that place, make new choices.

I believe that everyone can and should have a chance to stop, take a look at themselves and plan their course in life. That way they can dream, aspire and embark on a path that suits them personally and professionally. When a person is empowered, the community is also empowered, as is society as a whole. We obviously all want to live in an equal and fair society, whose members work and help themselves and those around them.”