Orr - be-atzmi

Orr, married with 2 children from Yokneam

Today: studying to be a Level 1 and 2 bookkeeper.

“Thanks to the program, I managed to break through boundaries that I didn’t think possible – both professionally and personally. I received confidence to demand more and have even refused positions offered to me because they didn’t match what I wanted.”


Orr joined the Employment Empowerment program when she was working as a secretary and accounts clerk at the family business. It was important to her to leave the family business, but she also wanted to maintain good relationships in the family. She preferred to work in a more professional atmosphere, expand the circle of her colleagues, and develop personally and professionally.

Orr asked to join the program and requested coaching and support to help her leave her workplace and find a job that was better suited to her financial and personal needs. Her employment dream was to work as a certified bookkeeper. Orr understood that she would have to take courses to acquire the needed professional knowledge and training. That in turn would enable her to find a job and receive a proper salary.

Orr started a Level 2 bookkeeping course. She was able to pay the tuition and purchase the required materials thanks to the basket of services she received from the employment program. Orr also received assistance in placing her 5-year-old son in an after school daycare facility run by social services, which enabled her to start working. She found a full-time job in phone sales where she has been working for 7 months. She has even received added responsibility, trains new employees, and is expected to get a raise.

Orr not only receives assistance – but also extends it. She volunteered to help another participant prepare for her computer exam, which was a prerequisite for passing the course she was taking.

“Thanks to the program, I managed to break through boundaries that I didn’t think possible – both professionally and personally. I received confidence to demand more and have even refused positions offered to me because they didn’t match what I wanted.”